Suite aux inondations, Humedica vient en aide à la population béninoise en partenariat avec la FEA
lu. 14 fev 2011
Un courrier adressé à Fondation Espace Afrique par l'équipe de Humedica. . .
“Dear Mr Dossou-Aworet,
Dear Maryse,
Dear John,
Dear friends at Cievra,
Finally Humedica´s humanitarian mission in Benin came to an end last week. I had the pleasure to be the Project Coordinator for the mission for more than 3 months and it has been an amazing experience working and living in Benin.
The first medical team of Humedica came on the 23 October last year to Benin in order to respond to the needs of the people who were affected by the floods. Humedica has a network of friends and supporters in many countries and through one of our friends in Benin, Madame Daslin Oueoumou, we were referred to the Fondation Espace Afrique. From the beginning the teams of Humedica were welcomed and supported by everyone at Cievra. The Fondation assisted our work in every aspect - accomodation, food, infrastructure, sharing networks, information and experiences. The list of support we received is endless.
Humedica´s work in Benin covered the following activities:
- Providing medical aid with mobile clinics
- Distribution of medicine to hospitals and dispensaries
- Distribution of Non Food Items
We hope that we could contribute with our activities to relieve the situation of the people affected by the floods. However, we could not have done all the work without the support of the Fondation. There was not one question we asked that was not answered and not one request had been declined by the Fondation. Moreover, everyone from Humedica who was part of the mission enjoyed the time at Cievra and the experiences we had there. For all of us it was more than a working relationship.
We are very grateful to the Fondation for everything we received to fulfill our mission and to make us felt so welcome!
We enjoyed our time at Cievra and we thank everyone at Cievra.
I cannot close this words of thanks without mentioning the outstanding contribution of John, Joseph and Nancy to our mission.
We hope that we stay in contact and we will have another opportunity to work together.
Warmest regards from Germany
Karin Uckrow for the teams of Humedica”